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How does a self-encounter work?
How does a self-encounter work according to the intention method of Prof-Dr. Franz Ruppert? In this video I describe some impressions of the method and explain how it works in a group or in individual work. Get involved, learn more and go your way to self-love and self-empowerment.
an interview with Birgit Assel
In this short talk we go into IoPT, the difference to family constellations, when trauma begins and whether the origin is in childhood?
We also go into what intergenerational trauma is, who might be traumatised, the importance of the mother-child bond and the role of the father.
The video is meant to serve as a short overview to get a better feeling for the work of self-encounters.
In one session I was guided to the very core issue in my life, in a deeper way than I had experienced before.
- Dr. Gabor Mate -
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